Holiday Events


thanksgiving4Thanksgiving Dinner

For the past 11 years Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse has partnered with the Outreach Center to feed more than 400 impoverished community residents annually on Thanksgiving Day. The meal is preceded with a celebration including a chapel service featuring the Center’s Voices of Recovery Choir.




Christmas Dinner

On Christmas Day, the community is invited to celebrate with the Outreach Center by sharing food and fellowship with our poor and less fortunate neighbors. The Center’s staff joins together with community volunteers to feed a hot, delicious meal prepared by Laura’s II to an estimated crowd of 400 impoverished community residents. The Center’s inspirational Voices of Recovery choir performs throughout the dinner and donated gifts are distributed to children attending the meal.


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Christmas Wishes Shopping Spree

For the past ten years an anonymous donor has generously donated $10,000 every year for 100 children to go on a $100 shopping spree at Toys R Us to help make Christmas extra special for the children of the Center’s impoverished clients.  More than 100 volunteers gather at 7:15am to help the children shop for their Christmas presents.


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